Dark cool wallpaper llc التطبيقات

live wallpaper panda 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of live wallpaper pandaset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads live wallpaper panda from our store page. we have thebest collection of live wallpaper panda. you can also downloadother live wallpaper in case you don’t find this lwp suitable foryou, we had a vast lwp collection.all of us have surely seen a bear. if not for real, at least theteddy bear. bear is one of the most famous character for soft toys.panda bear live wallpapers are found throughout the world. they arecharacterized by their huge body, short legs, a stub of tail, smallround you do not have access to view this node, and forward facing.most of the bears are carnivorous or meat eaters. they do eatplants. the panda is almost exclusively a plant eater. the polarbear feeds on insects, fish, and small mammals.the panda bear is one of the most misunderstood animals on thisplanet. panda bear live wallpapers. it was believed to be a raccoonuntil the genetic testing and observation proved it to be a bear.typical pandas have a large head and distinct white and blackcoloration in contrast to their green habitat. pandas can only befound in six tiny regions in southwest china. an average maleweighs 250 pound and female weighs between 155 – 220 pounds. pandasadapted to a vegetarian diet through their large consumption ofbamboo.the adult panda, weighing about 200 to 300 pounds (90 to 140kilograms), has a white heavy body, black legs, and a broad band ofblack across its shoulders. it has a massive round head, shortsnout, and small, round black ears. panda bear live wallpapers hasa white face with black patches around each eye. the panda usuallygrows to about 5 to 6 feet (1.5 to 1.8 meters) in length, measures4 and a half feet high, and has a short tail. they have plantigradefeet, that is, both heel and toes make contact with the ground whenwalking, in a manner similar to humans. panda bear live wallpapers.comparisions are being made between pandas and bears. in fact, somepeople called pandas "panda bears". if you look at a panda, you maythink that it is a bear; however, there are differences in skullstructure, teeth and behavior that eliminate it from the bearspecies. panda bear live wallpapers. although the pandas will eatmany different kinds of plants, 99% of their diet consists ofbamboo leaves, stems, and shoots. over fifteen different kinds ofbamboo grow within the region. pandas can be very pickyeaters.feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
pomeranian dog wallpaper 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of pomeranian dog wallpaperset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads pomeranian dog wallpaper from our store page. we have thebest collection of pomeranian dog wallpaper. you can also downloadother live wallpaper in case you don’t find this lwp suitable foryou, we had a vast lwp collection.the akc standard says the pomeranian is "buoyant in deportmentinquisitive by nature cocky, commanding, and animated." that he is.vivacious and spirited, bold and brash, the typical pomeranianthinks he's "hot stuff." he is a sharp-eyed busybody who must checkout every sight, sound, and activity and preferably tell you whathe thinks about it. funny puppy pictures. he is delightfully aliveand aware of everything going on around him. funny puppy pictures.keenly alert to approaching strangers, the pomeranian requiresearly socialization so that he doesn't become sharp orshrill.most are fine with other pets it is a tribute to their amiabilitythat male pomeranians can often run and play together with littleor no bickering. some poms, though, are bossy and will attempt tochase strange dogs, regardless of size. the pomeranian is verybright and will look directly at you, cocking his head attentively.but he is not inclined to take orders from anyone whom he views asbelow himself in importance. funny puppy pictures. don't allow himto become possessive of his food or toys, and control barking fromday one. this proud, self-possessed little breed won't meeklysubmit to mischief or rough handling and is not a good choice forchildren.too many people acquire a toy breed puppy without understanding howincredibly fragile a toy breed is. you can seriously injure or killa pomeranian puppy by stepping on him or by sitting on him whenhe's curled under a blanket or pillow, where he frequently likes tosleep. and pomeranians can seriously injure or kill themselves byleaping from your arms or off the back of your sofa. funny puppypictures. a larger dog can grab a pomeranian and break his neckwith one quick shake. owning a toy breed means constant supervisionand surveillance of what's going on around your tiny dog.pomeranians must always be kept indoors, in a safely fenced yard,or on-leash -- they are just too easy to injure when not under yourcomplete control.feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
polar bear wallpaper 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of polar bear wallpaperset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads polar bear wallpaper from our store page. we have thebest collection of polar bear wallpaper. you can also downloadother live wallpaper in case you don’t find this lwp suitable foryou, we had a vast lwp collection.polar bears wallpaper are among the largest land mammals on earth.male bears can weigh 700 to 1,400 pounds and stand 8 to 10 feettall. while polar bears are excellent swimmers, they prefer to stayon top of the ice that covers the arctic sea most of the year. whydo they spend so much time on the frigid arctic ice? the arcticwaters and ice floes are where their favorite food seals can befound.polar bears wallpaper will also occasionally eat other animals,including walruses and dead whales, but seals are by far theirfavorite food. seals can be tricky to catch, though, so polar bearsmust hunt with great stealth and patience. fortunately, their whitecoloring helps them blend in with their icy surroundings. so howdid polar bears that live in a snowy white world come to have whitefur? believe it or not, their hair isn't actually white! their longouter hairs, which protect their soft, thick undercoat, are hollowand transparent. the thinner hairs of their undercoat are alsocolorless. polar bear hair looks white because the air spaces inthe hairs scatter light of all colors. when something reflects allof the visible wavelengths of light, we see the color white.some scientists believe the polar bears wallpaper was once a closerelative to the brown bear. polar bears wallpaper. they think that,over time, polar bears moved to the arctic, where they adapted totheir surroundings by developing fur that would help them blend inwith the harsh, white arctic ice. not all polar bears look white,though. if you've ever seen a polar bear in a zoo, you may havenoticed that its fur can appear almost green.feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
pet panda live wallpaper 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of pet panda live wallpaperset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads pet panda live wallpaper from our store page. we have thebest collection of pet panda live wallpaper. you can also downloadother live wallpaper in case you don’t find this lwp suitable foryou, we had a vast lwp collection.as china’s unofficial mascot and the symbol of the world wildlifefund, the giant panda is one of the most beloved animals in theworld. it is also one of the more endangered species in the world,with only about 1000-2000 living in the wild. cute pandaswallpaper. conservation efforts and breeding programs are currentlyin place to restore panda populations to their native habitat inthe mountain forests of southwest china. giant pandas areidentified by their distinctive black and white coloring. theirears, muzzle, eyes, shoulders and legs are black while the rest oftheir body is white. their thick hair keeps them warm in the cool,wet mountain zones. when on all fours, giant pandas average between60-100 cm (2-3 ft.) tall at the shoulder and between 1-2 m (4-6ft.) long. cute pandas wallpaper. they can weigh between 100-115 kg(220-250 lb.), with males being larger than females.one of the interesting evolutionary traits of the panda is theirprotruding wrist bone that acts like a thumb. this helps the pandashold bamboo while they munch on it with their strong molar teeth.bamboo makes up nearly the entire diet of the panda. cute pandaswallpaper. due to the low nutritional value of bamboo, pandas needto eat 10-20 kg (20-40 lb.) a day. occasionally pandas will eatother available food, including small rodents, eggs, fish and otherflora. bamboo provides a good amount of water, but pandas need tosupplement this with fresh water daily.one the main reasons that pandas have become endangered is habitatdestruction. as the population in china continues to grow, pandas’habitat gets taken over by development, pushing them into smallerand less livable areas. habitat destruction also leads to foodshortages. pandas feed on several varieties of bamboo that bloom atdifferent times of the year. cute pandas wallpaper. if one type ofbamboo is destroyed by development, it can leave the pandas withnothing to eat during the time it normally blooms, increasing therisk of starvation.feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
african animal wallpapers 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is live wallpaper orscreensaver of african this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of african animal wallpapersset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads african animal wallpapers from our store page. we havethe best collection of african animal wallpapers. you can alsodownload other live wallpaper in case you don’t find this lwpsuitable for you, we had a vast lwp collection.for a lot of people who decide to visit africa their main interestis to view the wildlife. wildlife wallpaper. no other continentoffers the same opportunities to see such diverse spectrum ofwildlife often in very close proximity. learning a little about theanimals you may see before you travel will enhance your wildlifeviewing experience greatly. south africa has a large variety ofwildlife, including snakes, birds, plains animals, and predators.the country has 299 species of mammals and 858 species of birds.africa is a huge continent that’s made up of many differenthabitats, including sand, rock, water and grass. each of thosehabitats is the perfect place for all sorts of cool creatures tolive. get to know some of the awesome animals of africa!millions of years ago a volcano erupted and made a huge dome 620miles wide. wildlife wallpaper. this mountain range is called theethiopian highlands. during the rainy season, many rare animalsfeed off the grass and plants that grow among the rocks. ethiopianwolf: this carnivore (meat-eater) lives in pairs or small groups.every morning the pack gathers for a noisy greeting ceremony. thenthey start hunting for small mammals to eat during the day. theirlong, thin snouts (noses) are perfect for sniffing out rats. thesewolves are only found in ethiopia, and there are only 500 left inthe wild. wildlife wallpaper. grass is the main plant of thesavanna’s ecosystem. this grass provides food for the hundreds ofspecies of herbivores (plant-eaters) that roam across the africansavanna. hyena: these carnivores leave their cubs at home for aslong as four days at a time to find food. hyenas can digest eventhe toughest parts of an animal, leaving behind few scraps forscavengers.africa is home to the largest desert on earth – the sahara. it’salso home to the namib desert and the kalahari. the climate isharsh, with high air temperatures and little rain. animals in thedesert have adapted to survive this tough environment. wildlifewallpaper. dromedary camel: these camels store fat, not water, intheir one humps, and can survive for days without anything todrink.feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screenanimalwallpapers
drift bottle live wallpaper 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of drift bottle live wallpaperset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads drift bottle live wallpaper from our store page. we havethe best collection of drift bottle live wallpaper. you can alsodownload other live wallpaper in case you don’t find this lwpsuitable for you, we had a vast lwp collection.essages in bottles may not be the fastest form of communication,but they have been around for a very long time. beach livebackground. one of the first known messages in a bottle wasreleased by greek philosopher theophrastus in 310 b.c. beach livebackground. it is thought that theophrastus was conducting anexperiment using water currents to prove that the mediterranean seawas formed by the atlantic ocean. messages in bottles have beenused in more recent times, too. in 2005, a group of migrantsshipwrecked off the coast of costa rica sent a cry for help byenclosing a message in a bottle. they managed to tie the bottle toa long line on a fishing boat as it passed. the bottle wasreceived, and the people were rescued.so why do people send messages in bottles? glass may be veryfragile, but bottles do well at sea. beach live background. theyare buoyant, which means they don't sink. they can bob on thesurface of the ocean for years and years. also, even if immersed inwater, glass does not tend to biodegrade or weather like othermaterials might. so, if you find yourself stranded on an island, isa message in a bottle the way to go? there is no way to predictwhere a message in a bottle will end up or how long it will take toget there. beach live background. a bottle's course relies on theocean currents. it can't hurt to launch your message in a bottleand hope for the best, but in the end, you may be in for a verylong wait.feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
gold dragon live wallpaper 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of gold dragon live wallpaperset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads gold dragon live wallpaper from our store page. we havethe best collection of gold dragon live wallpaper. you can alsodownload other live wallpaper in case you don’t find this lwpsuitable for you, we had a vast lwp collection.golden dragons correlate to powerful sun deities or deities of theharvest. fantasy dragon wallpaper. much like bronze dragons, theyhave sturdy, strong exteriors. illumination and revelation lie atthe heart of a gold dragon. gold dragons symbolize prosperity andwealth. gold coloured dragons are also special. they have specialattributes such as wealth, wisdom, kindness and the ability to facechallenges head on. fantasy dragon wallpaper. gold dragons a largerspecies of dragon, golds seem to be jaded a bit. often they can aidyou in areas of knowledge and money. gold dragons tend to show upwhen you need to be more careful or more protective over something.or at times when you are seeking hidden knowledge. they tend torequire gifts of money or shining objects. they originate frommines or forgotten places.black dragons it is said that a black animal incarnates theabsolute of their species, which is why many black animals arechosen for ceremonial sacrifice. fantasy dragon wallpaper.consider, then, the black dragon as the absolute of its species. inwestern europe, black dragons represent incarnated evil, stealingfor their hoards and devouring for their meat. any nocturnalcreature with the additional camouflage of black complexion wouldundoubtedly make it far more dangerous to humans, who cannot seewell at night. all the more so for a ferocious dragon. in china,black dragons cause lightning storms when they fight one another inthe sky. a black dragon would have numerous advantages in thephysical world, such as disappearing into a cave or being able tohide in shadow. fantasy dragon wallpaper. a black dragon, then,would represent the lurking shadow of the psyche; an immenselypowerful and creative creature, although equally destructive, thatcan remain unseen until ready to make its move.feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
peacocks wallpaper 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of peacocks wallpaperset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads peacocks wallpaper from our store page. we have the bestcollection of peacocks wallpaper. you can also download other livewallpaper in case you don’t find this lwp suitable for you, we hada vast lwp collection.the peacock's display of iridescent feathers with distinctive eyesshows his desirability as a mate. free peacock wallpaper. inaddition to the magnificent visual display, when the peacockspreads his feathers they create a sound, inaudible to humans, thatmay improve his chances of mating. the lifestyle and habitats ofpeafowl give clues to the role of the male's feather display.peafowl are pheasants. free peacock wallpaper refers to the male ofthe species, although the term is often used informally to refer topeafowl in general. the female is a peahen and their offspring arepeachicks. the male's long feathers, also called coverts, hangbehind him like a dress train. these long, showy feathers make upmore than 60 percent of his length, according to nationalgeographic. he uses them for courtship displays to attract a femalefor mating. in their natural habitats, peafowl roost in foresttrees and feed on grass, insects and small prey. a pheasant diet issuitable for raising peafowl. individuals generally weigh 9 to 13pounds and live for up to 20 years.peahens may be most attracted to free peacock wallpaper with thelargest, most colorful feathers, making these males the mostsuccessful at mating and passing on their genes. to show thequality of his feathers, he spreads his 5-foot train into a fanthat projects above his back and to the ground on both sides of hisbody. males who are the most successful at attracting femalesacquire a harem. in the wild, peahens live in groups calledparties. each female lays three to five eggs at a time, increasingthe group's numbers. when the male unfurls his shining featherstipped with big eyes, he shakes them. the feathers vibrate from hismovements. he brings his feathers forward into a bowl-shape aroundhis body. free peacock wallpaper. this shape may act like asatellite dish to make sounds from the feathers more audible toother peafowl. the sounds of the feathers is infrasonic at below 20hz, according to researchers at the university of manitoba.theresearcher theorize the sound may attract females to come look attheir display, warn other males away or allow females to judge thepeacock's quality to decide whether or not to go look at him. intheir natural, wooded environments, peafowl are often not in directsight of each other, so the auditory signals may increase the oddsof mating success.feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
god live wallpaper 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of god live wallpaperset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads god live wallpaper from our store page. we have the bestcollection of god live wallpaper. you can also download other livewallpaper in case you don’t find this lwp suitable for you, we hada vast lwp collection.just once wouldn't you love for someone to simply show you theevidence for god's existence? no arm-twisting. no statements of,"you just have to believe." well, here is an attempt to candidlyoffer some of the reasons which suggest that god exists. does godexist? the complexity of our planet points to a deliberate designerwho not only created our universe, but sustains it today. hd godwallpapers. many examples showing god's design could be given,possibly with no end. but here are a few:the earth its size is perfect. the earth's size and correspondinggravity holds a thin layer of mostly nitrogen and oxygen gases,only extending about 50 miles above the earth's surface. if earthwere smaller, an atmosphere would be impossible, like the planetmercury. if earth were larger, its atmosphere would contain freehydrogen, like jupiter. hd god wallpapers. earth is the only knownplanet equipped with an atmosphere of the right mixture of gases tosustain plant, animal and human life.jesus christ showed god to be gentle, loving, aware of ourself-centeredness and shortcomings, yet deeply wanting arelationship with us. jesus revealed that although god views us assinners, worthy of his punishment, his love for us ruled and godcame up with a different plan. hd god wallpapers. god himself tookon the form of man and accepted the punishment for our sin on ourbehalf. sounds ludicrous? perhaps, but many loving fathers wouldgladly trade places with their child in a cancer ward if theycould. the bible says that the reason we would love god is becausehe first loved us.god does not force us to believe in him, though he could. hd godwallpapers. instead, he has provided sufficient proof of hisexistence for us to willingly respond to him. the earth's perfectdistance from the sun, the unique chemical properties of water, thehuman brain, dna, the number of people who attest to knowing god,the gnawing in our hearts and minds to determine if god is there,the willingness for god to be known through jesus christ. if youneed to know more about jesus and reasons to believe in him.feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
tulips live wallpaper 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of tulips live wallpaperset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads tulips live wallpaper from our store page. we have thebest collection of tulips live wallpaper. you can also downloadother live wallpaper in case you don’t find this lwp suitable foryou, we had a vast lwp collection.i love tulips and probably love them even more so this year becausei’m so looking forward to spring while i appreciate the charm of adrooping, purple flower wallpapers, swinging tulip i know manyprefer their tulips not to droop (and in many arrangements theylook better standing tall) so i thought i’d share my tips to keeptulips from drooping and make them last! first and foremost startwith fresh blooms. purple flower wallpapers. fresh cut tulipsshould have bright green stems that feel crisp to the touch.nothing is going to help your tulips avoid dropping if you startwith old flowers that have already taken a turn for theworse.choose a vase that is tall enough to offer the tulips support.purple flower wallpapers. avoid vases that curve outward at the topif you want your tulips to stay upright. as you can see below, ifyou use a wide topped vase the tulips will follow that arch. fillyour vase with clean cold water. (it’s often said that dropping apenny made prior to 1981 will help keep the stems upright due tothe copper in the water i can’t say for sure that it will work buti do it out of habit just in case!)recut the stems at least an inch from the previous cut whileholding underwater. purple flower wallpapers. remove all leavesthat will be under the waterline in your vase and put in the vasewhile still in the florist wrap, this will offer support to yourtulips as they “drink” up the water the first few hours. if yourblooms were loose, gently wrap them in plastic wrap to keep themupright. keep your tulips out of direct sunlight (they will turntowards the sun!) and change the water daily. snip the stems every3 days to help them continue to keep fresh.feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
i love coffee wallpaper 5.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of i love coffee wallpaper set the app as livewallpaper to decorate your phone downloads i love coffee wallpaperfrom our store page. we have the best collection of i love coffeewallpaper. you can also download other live wallpaper in case youdon’t find this lwp suitable for you, we had a vast lwp collection.there's nothing worse than pouring a big cup of coffee, bringing itto your lips, taking that first sweet drink, and realizing thatit's bitter as sin.your cup of coffee should be a burst of good flavor, not anoverpowering dose of bitterness. free coffee wallpaper. so why doesit end up bitter, should coffee be bitter, it's interesting thatcoffee is often associated with bitterness. while bitterness canplay a role in a good cup of coffee, if you drink a really goodcup, you'll find that that bitterness is far from the dominanttaste. instead you get a variety of flavors, from floral to spicenotes to chocolate notes. in fact there's an entire flavor wheeldedicated to describing good coffee. so if bitter is all you tastein your cup, there's.why coffee tastes bitter: the technicalities, coffee brewing is ascience, and the main reason for bitter coffee is over extraction.extraction is the process that pulls the flavor out of the freecoffee wallpaper, turning clear water into that delightfully darkbrew. when water mixes with the coffee grounds, a chemical reactionhappens that dissolves flavor compounds. the trick is extractingthe good ones, and not the bitter ones, which come out with moretime. with that in mind, here are a few things that could accountfor that bitter cup, and that you can easily avoid next timearound. you're letting your coffee steep for too long. this isespecially common when making french press free coffee wallpaper,as many people have a tendency to leave the coffee in the frenchpress even after they have pushed the plunger down. if you do this,the coffee will continue to extract, and next time you pour a cup,it will inevitably be more bitter than the first. you're using thewrong grind size. grinding coffee beans changes how the flavorcompounds dissolve, which means that if it's too coarsely groundyou risk under-extraction, and in turn a flat or perhaps a sourtasting coffee. free coffee wallpaper. the water is too hot. watertemperature plays a key role in coffee brewing, and if it's too hotyou'll extract the bitter compounds and your equipment is dirtyover extraction isn't the only culprit for bitterness. residuecoffee left over from the last time you brewed can definitelyaffect the flavor of future cups
awesome dragon wallpapers 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of awesome dragon wallpapersset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads awesome dragon wallpapers from our store page. we havethe best collection of awesome dragon wallpapers. you can alsodownload other live wallpaper in case you don’t find this lwpsuitable for you, we had a vast lwp collection.the original question was: i can’t get my head round how dragonscould emit flame. it must have been more than thermal regulation,because enzymic processes are already impossible at well below100degc. free dragon background. if it was something combustible inthe breath (e.g., phosphine), then oxygen must have been almostentirely missing from the breath, otherwise the animal’s organswould be burned by combustion on the way out. if combustion wasphoto-initiated what was the mechanism? do you have a mechanismthat makes sense?flammable breath is much more common than people think. it is wellknown that in the gut, both anaerobic metabolism and bacterialaction can produce methane, hydrogen sulphide, hydrogen and otherflammable gases. as long as these are not ignited until they leavethe body they are not dangerous mostly they just smell horrible.free dragon background. the biggest gas producers of all are theruminants, who are being bullied by the climate change lobby due tothe large volume of methane they belch out the front end. the gasesproduced in ruminants’ stomachs are flammable, and there arestories of fires caused when a serious build-up of these gases inthe cow or sheep which has been eating too much fresh clover hashad to be released by a sharp hollow tube which was punched intothe stomach by a farmer who forgot to put out his cigarette. thesudden release of the methane produced spectacular explosion whichdamaged the farmer more than the sheep.so for fire breathing free dragon background, aka dinosaurs, let usstart by suggesting that the methane generated by eating greenplants (since all creatures were originally vegetarian) wassuddenly expelled across an organo-electric source, generated by asophisticated nervous system (as in the electric eel) and probablysituated on or near the mouth or gas releasing orifice or even asafe distance from the orifice such as in the hanging lightapparatus used by the angler fish. since we can connect theelectric eel up to run a light bulb i am sure god was clever enoughto use it to generate sparks. free dragon background. remember theold circus trick of the human fire breathers? they never got aburnt mouth since the liquid they spewed out was not combusteduntil it got outside their mouth where air could mix in and a flamecould ignite. as to what the creature could use it for – that’sanother question?feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
dachshund puppy wallpaper 5.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of dachshund puppy wallpaper set the app as livewallpaper to decorate your phone downloads dachshund puppywallpaper from our store page. we have the best collection ofdachshund puppy wallpaper. you can also download other livewallpaper in case you don’t find this lwp suitable for you, we hada vast lwp collection. the origins of the dachshund can be tracedback to working dogs that could go to ground after game such asbadgers and rabbits, or to track fallen/wounded deer.today, dachshunds are very popular as intelligent and faithfulpets, both for town and country dwellers. dachshund wallpapers. inthe uk the dachshund comes in six varieties, two sizes – standardsweighing up to 12 kg (26 lbs) and miniatures ideally weighing 4.5kg (10 lbs) and no more than 5 kg (11 lbs) - and three coats –smooth-haired, long-haired & wire-haired. dachshund wallpapers.germany is the breed’s home country where sizes are separated notby weight but by chest circumference, with three sizes being basedon what size of hole they could enter when going to ground. all inall, a marvellous selection of attractive and sporting dogs.dachshunds are active dogs and, once fully mature, will take asmuch exercise as you can give them and you are likely to want to gohome before they do. they are, however, just as happy curled up onyour lap, snoozing.they are loyal companions and generally make good family pets. theyare not noted for their obedience but, with patience andpersistence by the owner, they can be trained. dachshundwallpapers. however, they are hounds and when they are off thelead, if they get a scent, they can go deaf when it suits them.temperamentally all six varieties are very good at giving a goodaccount of themselves and, as such, are excellent house-dogs whowill guard your property from any unwelcome guests. his bark can bedeep, especially in the standards, and people are often surprisedto hear such a deep noise coming from a dog the size of adachshund. dachshund wallpapers. the breed is characterised asmoderately long and low with no exaggerations, and should have awell-muscled body with enough ground clearance to allow freemovement. the front feet are used for digging and should be big,broad and well-arched, point forward, or only slightly turnedoutwards. as befits his working origins, the dachshund should havestrong teeth and a powerful jaw. the dachshund is a short-leggeddog, not a long-backed one. excessive length can lead to problemswith back disease. it is important that the ribbing should extendwell back and the loin should be short and strong
red sea fish live wallpaper 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of red sea fish live wallpaperset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads red sea fish live wallpaper from our store page. we havethe best collection of red sea fish live wallpaper. you can alsodownload other live wallpaper in case you don’t find this lwpsuitable for you, we had a vast lwp collection.the first people known to explore the red sea were the ancientegyptians, who explored the area c. 2500 bc while looking forcommercial routes southward. so how did the red sea get its name?theories abound, but no one knows for sure. hd underwaterwallpapers. it could be from the red-hued sea sawdust, a type ofbacteria that grows near the water's surface. some historiansbelieve the red sea is named for the himyarites, a group who oncelived along it's shores. others believe that the red in red sea isactually a designator of the sea's location relative to the ancientmediterranean world to the south. in ancient languages, the colorsblack, red, green, and white referred to north, south, east, andwest, respectively. hd underwater wallpapers. of course it's notactually red, but sometimes it appears that way. located betweenthe east african coast and the saudi arabian peninsula, the red seagot its name because of a type of algae called trichodesmiumerythraeum, which is found in the sea. when these blooms of algaedie off they appear to turn the blue-green color of the ocean to areddish-brown.for ship captains, its known for its violent storms, as well asreefs and submerged islands, which can make it treacherous tonavigate. to the rest of us, the red sea is one of the warmest,saltiest, and possibly reddest seas around. but does this body ofwater that extends from the gulf of suez and gulf of aqaba south tothe indian ocean really glisten a rosy hue? not really. hdunderwater wallpapers. so where did it get its catchy name?occasionally, the sea becomes filled with blooms of cyanobacteriaalgae, called trichodesmium erythraeum, which, upon dying, turn theusually blue-green water, reddish-brown. hd underwater wallpapers.the color is not intense and is said to vary across the expansivebody of water. wherever the name comes from, visitors to the redsea today can take advantage of fantastic snorkeling - more than1200 species of fish have been found in the coral reef ecosystem ofthe red sea; more than 100 of these have not been located in anyother body of water.feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
lily live wallpaper 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of lily live wallpaperset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads lily live wallpaper from our store page. we have the bestcollection of lily live wallpaper. you can also download other livewallpaper in case you don’t find this lwp suitable for you, we hada vast lwp collection.the gorgeous lily is an amazing example of the ingenuity of mothernature. purple flower wallpapers. these delicate looking flowersare actually quite a hardy and solid plant (however, the flowers dobruise if treated roughly), making them a favourite of florists andflower growers the world over. in fact, the lily is ranked as thefourth most popular flower on a global scale a testament to theirenduring status of quality and beauty. purple flower wallpapers.the stunningly beautiful lilium is a genus of plant that is easilyrecognised by its large, distinct flowers and prominent stamens.these amazing bulb-grown flowering herbs are grouped into the morecommonly known categories of asiatic lilies and oriental liliesthen tiger lilies, trumpet lilies and also turks cap lilies. manyof the species are native to moderate climate areas of the northernhemisphere and the subtropical north, but are now grown worldwide.purple flower wallpapers. the colour scale of lilies ranges frompure white to a deep, dark burgundy, meaning you can find almostany colour of lily, besides green and blue. the oriental lily hasthe heaviest scent of all species.in religion, the lily is extremely revered. christians believe thelily to be a symbol of purity and chastity, due to its associationwith the virgin mary, whose tomb was adorned with them. this isalso where the lily’s association with funerals stems from, astheir use represents the soul’s departure and restoration to apure, innocent form after death. purple flower wallpapers. theanglican churches in england often incorporate lilies into theircrucifixes, which is said to represent jesus’ annunciation andcrucifixion. the petals and sepals of a lily always occur in groupsof three, which are often used to depict the holy trinity. anothersignificance of this grouping of three is the reference frombyzantium and france, who associated the lily with the fleur delis. finally, in buddhism, the lily represents femaleaggressiveness, mercy and compassion.feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
poodle live wallpaper 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of poodle live wallpaperset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads poodle live wallpaper from our store page. we have thebest collection of poodle live wallpaper. you can also downloadother live wallpaper in case you don’t find this lwp suitable foryou, we had a vast lwp collection.many people have misconceptions about poodles that they look andact like sissy dogs. that is one of the biggest myths in dogdom.first, ignore the silly show-ring clips. poodles can be clippedinto shorthaired, normal looking dogs who are a snap to brush.poodles also have the advantage of being the lightest-shedding,most hypoallergenic of all coated breeds. second, standard poodlesare elegant, energetic athletes who move with a light, springygait. live poodle wallpaper. they excel in advanced obediencecompetition, where retrieving and jumping skills are required, andin agility (obstacle course) competitions, where they fly over andunder and through the obstacles with a strength and grace that isbreathtaking to watch.even better, a good standard poodle is one of the smartest and mosttrainable of all breeds. he is a thinking dog who pays raptattention to his owner, learns quickly, and responds eagerly topositive training methods. live poodle wallpaper. indeed, standardpoodles need some sort of mental stimulation in order to be happyadvanced obedience classes (not just basic), agility classes, orchallenging games such as hide 'and seek, or fetching a variety ofnamed toys. this intelligent breed cannot simply sit in thebackyard and be ignored. most standard poodles are soft andsensitive dogs, sometimes hypersensitive. live poodle wallpaper. ifyou touch them unexpectedly or startle them with a sudden loudsound, they tend to flinch. the most sensitive individuals are notgood with small children.most standard poodles make great watchdogs and some even have mild(and sensible) protective instincts, but this is not an aggressivebreed. their attitude toward people varies from friendly topolitely reserved. live poodle wallpaper. early socialization isimportant to avoid excessive watchfulness or timidity. with otherdogs and cats, standard poodles are usually peaceful and accepting.however, this breed is by no means perfect or low-maintenance.besides the regular clipping (every 4-6 weeks), they need a gooddeal of daily exercise. their energy level varies from moderate tohigh and they require brisk walks, jogging, swimming, and/orvigorous play sessions to keep them fit, satisfied, and calmindoors. standard poodles also need a lot of daily companionship.they suffer from loneliness and separation anxiety if left alonetoo much.feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
free reptile wallpaper 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of free reptile wallpaperset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads free reptile wallpaper from our store page. we have thebest collection of free reptile wallpaper. you can also downloadother live wallpaper in case you don’t find this lwp suitable foryou, we had a vast lwp collection.how many reptiles can you think of? they all have a few things incommon that make them different than other types of animals and oneof those things is that they all have scales. reptile wallpapers.scales are hard and they are very strong. they grow right out ofreptiles’ skin and give them protection from other animals thatmight try to scratch or bite them. a lot of times in stories andmovies you will see knights wearing shiny, metal suits of armor.the armor is a bunch of stiff plates that keep the knight safe.reptile wallpapers. it’s just like the knights are wearing scales!scales can also help keep moisture in the bodies of reptiles, sothey don’t get too dry. they need water just like people do.the skin of snakes is covered in scales. reptile wallpapers. likehuman fingernails and rhinoceros horns, these scales are made of astrong protein called keratin. contrary to popular belief, thesnake's skin itself is not made of scales, but lies under thescales. snakes use their scales for a number of differentfunctions. the scales on some reptiles assist the reptile withmovement. in the case of snakes, the snake's belly scales are ableto grab onto tiny imperfections on surfaces and create friction topropel the snake forward.the scales of many reptile species are either plainly orelaborately colored to assist with camouflage. this includescertain species of leaf-tail geckos, who can completely blend in tosurrounding tree trunks and branches in their natural environment.reptile wallpapers. chameleons also have an additional advantage,and can change the color of their scales at will. in the wild, thechameleon will use this ability for camouflage or to absorbsunlight by darkening parts of its body.feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
live wine wallpaper 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of live wine wallpaperset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads live wine wallpaper from our store page. we have the bestcollection of live wine wallpaper. you can also download other livewallpaper in case you don’t find this lwp suitable for you, we hada vast lwp collection.there is a revolutionary school of thought, however, which suggeststhat it may be better for wine to store bottles at an angle, whichensures that both wine and the air bubble are in contact with thecork. wine bottle wallpaper. this will keep the cork damp but allowany expansion and contraction of the air bubble due to temperaturevariation to result in air, and not wine, passing through the cork.when bottles are stored horizontally the distance of the air bubblefrom the cork means that when higher temperatures cause it toexpand, wine may be forced out between the cork and bottle-neck.wine bottle wallpaper. then when the temperature drops, the airbubble contracts to form a vacuum and oxygen may be drawn into thebottle. that amount of oxygen may reach harmful levels iftemperatures fluctuate dramatically.for the reasons outlined previously, temperature fluctuation is themost serious hazard for wine storage, although the cooler wine iskept, the slower, and very possibly more interestingly, it willdevelop. wine bottle wallpaper. the warmer it is stored, the fasterit will mature (because heat inevitably speeds up all reactions andvice versa). wine dislikes light as well as heat. strong light canadversely affect the taste of wine, particularly sparkling wine,and particularly if the bottles are made from clear or pale glass.(this is why wine is sold increasingly in almost black bottles, andwhy champagne is often wrapped in tissue paper or a speciallight-proof cellophane.)humidity is also quite important. if wine is stored in too dry anatmosphere for several years, the corks can dry out and stop beingan effective seal. damp coal holes are good for the condition ofthe wine but can rapidly damage labels and make wine more difficultto re-sell. wine bottle wallpaper. lack of vibration is useful forwines with a sediment, although this widespread belief is basedmore on hunch than hard evidence, and an absence of strong smellsis absolutely vital. in practice, security has to be weighedagainst ease of retrieval, with the relative importance of thesetwo factors dependent on things like your income and willpower. itfollows from all of the above that the ideal place for wine storageis a nice, dark, roomy, slightly dank cellar with a single discreetentrance to which only you have the keyfeature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
sweet doll live wallpaper 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of sweet doll live wallpaperset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads sweet doll live wallpaper from our store page. we havethe best collection of sweet doll live wallpaper. you can alsodownload other live wallpaper in case you don’t find this lwpsuitable for you, we had a vast lwp collection.old dolls (search for old dolls the kids have out grown, or fromflea markets, salvation army, and garage sales) turn old, dollspictures, ordinary dolls into creepy, nightmarish dolls to fill outyour graveyard or haunted setting. dolls pictures. don't use anydolls you will will want to save as a collectible. look for cheap,free or well-used dolls no will ever want to play with or keep.every doll if different and your hack-job will vary. our sampledolls don't have real hair so we painted the entire plastic headwith black, craft paint. paint any other plastic parts aswell.let dry. next, use a brush, rag or cosmetic sponge to add a layerof pure white, craft paint. dolls pictures. let dry. leave some ofthe black showing in the crevices and dents of the doll form. useother colors sparingly to add extra creepy details. blue tints willadd a distinctive deathly pallor. dolls pictures. yellow will givea sickly appearance. you can paint cracks, vampire marks, spookyeyes (try solid white with a single black dot in the middle).matted doll hair, sticking out in all directions is great the wayit is but you can also smear some paint in it, rug some dirt in.let your imagination have some distructive fun. it's not like youcan ruin it. just keep adding to the mess and evenually you'll getsomething ready for the graveyard.feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
pigeons wallpaper 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of pigeons wallpaperset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads pigeons wallpaper from our store page. we have the bestcollection of pigeons wallpaper. you can also download other livewallpaper in case you don’t find this lwp suitable for you, we hada vast lwp collection.recently, i’ve started to wonder why pigeons bob their heads insuch a violent manner when they walk. flightless bird wallpaper.this habit seems like it consumes a lot of calories… don’t theyneed every bit of energy in order to fly? i don’t understand whynatural selection hasn’t bred pigeons that walk without bobbingtheir heads. wouldn’t they be more efficient and therefore morefit? maybe this actually is the most efficient way for pigeons towalk. flightless bird wallpaper. perhaps they’re counter balancingthemselves the way a cat does with its tail.but, if pigeons bob their heads when they’re standing still, thishypothesis wouldn’t explain why they do that. i haven’t been ableto watch pigeons standing still long enough to see if they continueto bob their heads, though. flightless bird wallpaper. becausethey’re not predators, pigeons’ eyes are set far apart on theirheads. this gives them a wide field of view which helps them to seeapproaching hawks. as a side effect, their binocular vision isquite narrow (anyone know how narrow?). this means that both oftheir eyes can only focus on objects directly in front of them.objects that are slightly off to the side can only be viewed by oneeye, impairing depth perception.i was standing on the sidewalk one day watching a pigeon bob itshead when i decided to close one eye and see how my depthperception was affected. flightless bird wallpaper. i still had tofocus my eye’s lens to see an object clearly, so my depthperception wasn’t completely gone, but it was greatly diminished.then i tried to mimic the pigeon. if i bobbed my head towards theobject and then away, i got a better sense of how far away thatobject was. closer objects appeared to get bigger when i bobbedtowards them, while objects farther away didn’t.feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
snow leopard wallpaper 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of snow leopard wallpaperset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads snow leopard wallpaper from our store page. we have thebest collection of snow leopard wallpaper. you can also downloadother live wallpaper in case you don’t find this lwp suitable foryou, we had a vast lwp collection.the snow leopard, known for its beautiful, thick fur, has a white,yellowish or soft gray coat with ringed spots of black on brown.the markings help camouflage it from prey. with their thick coats,heavy fur-lined tails and paws covered with fur, snow leopards areperfectly adapted to the cold and dry habitats in which they live.snow leopards primarily hunt wild sheep and goats. leopard livewallpaper. snow leopards are also known to eat smaller animals likerodents, hares and game birds. snow leopards prefer to inhabitsteep cliff areas, rocky outcrops and ravines. such habitatsprovide them with the camouflage they need to ambush unsuspectingprey. they stalk their prey and usually spring from a distance of20 - 50 feet. their long and powerful hind limbs help snow leopardsleap up to 30 feet, which is six times their body length.mostly active at dawn and dusk, snow leopards are rarely seen inthe wild. unlike other big cats, snow leopards are unable to roar.solitary in nature, they pair only during the breeding season.females give birth in rocky dens lined with their fur. leopard livewallpaper. the young follow their mother on hunts at three monthsand remain with her through their first winter. their reclusivenature makes it hard to determine snow leopard lifespan in thewild. they have, however, been known to live for as long as 21years in captivity.snow leopards are facing a distinct threat from climate change.leopard live wallpaper. their typical habitat range is betweenwhere the tree line stops and the snow line begins on themountains. as climate change causes temperatures to ruse, snowlines are receding, which means that snow leopards must movefurther up the mountain slopes as well. as snow leopards get tohigher elevations, the vegetation becomes more scarce, which meansthat the herbivores that they prey on are in limited supply aswell, and the leopards are having trouble finding enough food. thesnow leopard was placed on the endangered species list in 1972 tohelp protect its dwindling numbers. leopard live wallpaper. similarto defenders work with predator species in the united states,conservation groups near snow leopard habitats are working withlocal farmers and herders to help foster a better understanding ofhow to co-exist with these animals and minimize conflicts betweenthem.feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
wallpaper gorillas 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of wallpaper gorillasset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads wallpaper gorillas from our store page. we have the bestcollection of wallpaper gorillas. you can also download other livewallpaper in case you don’t find this lwp suitable for you, we hada vast lwp collection.the gorilla has a lot in common with the human, more then we wouldlike to admit. monkeys wallpapers. but the really phenomenal andenormous difference between even the strongest human beings on theplanet and a gorilla, is the pure, brute, raw & total strengththe gorilla possesses on a pound for pound basis. it has been saidand calculated that a silverback gorilla is at least 20 timesstronger then 20 strong men! now if you would take the strongestmen in the world and combine their strength together against thatof a silverback gorilla, yeah then you’ll definitely need less mento compare against the phenomenal strength the silverback gorillapossesses. but not much, as a matter of fact.lets look at the simple scientific facts and studies that have beendone in the past on chimpanzees what you can clearly see and findout about the strength on a pound for pound basis of primates,monkeys wallpapers, and especially of the gorilla, is this: it’sphenomenal & incredible! the experiment was conducted in thebronx in 1924, in that study the biologist by the name of johnbauman, conducted a study where he compared the strength of thechimpanzee on a pound for pound basis to that of a human being on apound for pound basis.monkeys wallpapers. everybody knows how phenomenally stronggorillas are, as a matter of fact, they’re a lot stronger on apound for pound basis then any other primate out there! they’re thestrongest primate alive today, but also one of the most peacefulones. you won’t find a gorilla attacking another animal, unless itabsolutely has to or has no choice! but most of the time it’s forself defense & not for attacking, stalking, hunting or killing!it doesn’t do any of that because it’s a vegeterian, that’s right,let’s blow that myth out of the water right here, right now you canbecome very strong on a vegetarian diet, i do it myself and i knowa lot of other super strong people that do the exact same thing!monkeys wallpapers, besides, in the wild it works pretty freakinggood! just look at the gorilla for example, and all the otherprimates as well for that matter! super tough & strong onnothing but plantsfeature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
winter night live wallpaper 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of winter night live wallpaperset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads winter night live wallpaper from our store page. we havethe best collection of winter night live wallpaper. you can alsodownload other live wallpaper in case you don’t find this lwpsuitable for you, we had a vast lwp collection.the first thing that comes to many people's minds when they thinkof alaska is the cold. the top of the state slices into the arcticcircle, so alaskan winters cool down the vast wilderness regions.winter wallpapers hd. temperatures in the interior of the state candrop as low as minus 30 degrees fahrenheit (minus 34.4 degreescelsius). on top of that, a 5 mile-per-hour (8 kilometer-per-hour)wind will make it feel like minus 46 degrees (minus 43 degreescelsius). cold weather conditions are perilous to your health,making it essential to keep your body covered and warm. since ourbodies lose heat most rapidly from our head, neck, wrists andankles, try to insulate those areas in particular.even if snow and ice cover the surrounding land, many handmadeshelters offer protection from the cold and wind. snow structures,such as igloos or snow caves, will prove surprisingly warm comparedto outside. winter wallpapers hd. if possible, camp in woods thatwill supply firewood and trees that block the wind. whenconstructing your overnight bedroom, watch out that you don't workup a sweat in the process because wet plus cold equals hypothermia.to maximize warmth, design tight living quarters to trap body heatinside. winter wallpapers hd. when possible, dig out your shelterfloor down to the earth to take advantage of radiant heat from theground. for more insulation put some sort of barrier, such as pineneedles, between you and the ground to conserve warmth. for moreinformation on how to make temporary lodgings in the wildwhen searching for an acceptable camp location, use a knife, stickor ice axe to check for weak ice underneath you before walking onit. winter wallpapers hd. rivers, streams and lakes dot the alaskanlandscape, and you could easily trek onto one of these. also, avoidbuilding a shelter on or at the base of an incline because of riskof snow drifts and avalanches. in frigid temperatures, staying dryis a must to defend you from frostbite, hypothermia and other coldweather nemeses. the smoke from fire can also help rescuerspinpoint your location.feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
seashells live wallpaper 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of seashells live wallpaperset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads seashells live wallpaper from our store page. we have thebest collection of seashells live wallpaper. you can also downloadother live wallpaper in case you don’t find this lwp suitable foryou, we had a vast lwp collection.do you remember trying this as a kid holding one of the seashellsyou grabbed as a souvenir up to your ear? it seems like no matterhow far away from the ocean you are, you can still hold a seashellup to your ear and hear the roar of the waves rolling onto theshore. seashells wallpapers. the best shells for producing thissound are the large, spiral conch shells. some people havesuggested that the sound you hear from the seashell is the echoingof your blood rushing through the blood vessels of your ear. thatis not the case. if that were true, then the sound would intensifyafter exercising, since your blood races faster after exercising.however, the sound is the same even after exercising.seashells do not really make any sound of their own. seashellswallpapers. inside they have many hard curved surfaces, which aregood reflectors for sound. so any sound waves that get inside arejumbled up by all kinds of echoes. when you hold the shell up toyour ear, you hear the noise of all those jumbled-up echoes. thatdoes sound much like the noise of ocean waves beating against ashore. seashells wallpapers. if you have a seashell with a bigcavity inside, try it out again at home next to your ear. unlessyou get in a very, very quiet place, it will keep roaring as if ithad brought some of the ocean with it.the most likely explanation for the wave-like noise is ambientnoise from around you. seashells wallpapers that you are holdingjust slightly above your ear captures this noise, which resonatesinside the shell. the size and shape of the shell therefore hassome effect on the sound you hear. different shells sound differentbecause different shells accentuate different frequencies. youdon't even need the seashell to hear the noise. you can produce thesame ocean sound using an empty cup or even by cupping your handover your ear. go ahead and try it and vary the distance at whichyou place the cup near your ear. the level of the sound will varydepending on the angle and distance the cup is from your ear. noisefrom outside the shell also can change the intensity of the soundyou hear inside the shell. you can look at the shell as aresonating chamber. when sound from outside enters the shell, itbounces around, thus creating an audible noise. so, the louder theenvironment you are in, the louder the ocean-like sound willbe.feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
beautiful sky live wallpaper 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of beautiful sky live wallpaperset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads beautiful sky live wallpaper from our store page. we havethe best collection of beautiful sky live wallpaper. you can alsodownload other live wallpaper in case you don’t find this lwpsuitable for you, we had a vast lwp collection.have you ever wondered why the sky is beautiful? it wouldn't haveto be. it could just be functional, useful. (actually it could beboth dysfunctional and ugly, but then we might not be here to seeit) for instance, the sun, the eye of the sky wallpaper, thatyellow star at the center of the solar system, fulfills severalfunctions necessary for life on earth. it is the source of thegravity field that keeps our planet in a yearly orbit, exposingdifferent parts of the earth to differing levels of light and heatthroughout the seasons. sky wallpaper. this promotes an astonishingdiversity of living beings. heat from the sun keeps the planet fromfreezing over and killing out all living things. light from the sunpowers plant life, which in turn powers animal life. the sun doesall this and does it beautifully.the atmosphere, the lens of the sky, that thin layer of gas andparticles enshrouding the earth, also fulfills cruciallife-sustaining functions. for one thing, it acts as a barrier thatabsorbs dangerous debris from outer space. it also filters outharmful radiation from the sun and other sources. and perhaps mostimportantly, it contains all the gases that life needs to survive.sky wallpaper. the atmosphere does all this and does itbeautifully. water, the tears of the sky, that chemically simpleyet indispensable substance, is the lubrication of all life. fishlive in it, plants soak it up, animals drink it. our bodies aremade mostly of it. we take it in, fill our cells with it, andexcrete it. water occurs as gas (mist, fog, steam), as solid (ice,snow, hail), and liquid. it rains down, flows over, and swirls allabout us. it is lovely in all its forms, and all forms are found inthe sky. water fills our world and does so beautifully.put these three together in the sky above us sun, air, water andthe result is not only the thriving of god's creation but alsogratuitous, unending beauty. sky wallpaper. on our ridge in ikland,with a nearly 360 degree horizon as our vista, we have a privilegedposition to watch god paint atmospheric masterpieces. what followshere is twenty pictures taken of the firmament over time during thelast six months. i trust these photos will testify to you of a godwho makes things both useful and beautiful. the sky would neverhave to be this gorgeous it just is, day after day, year afteryear:feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
live fireplace wallpaper 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of live fireplace wallpaperset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads live fireplace wallpaper from our store page. we have thebest collection of live fireplace wallpaper. you can also downloadother live wallpaper in case you don’t find this lwp suitable foryou, we had a vast lwp collection.a traditional fireplace creates comforting ambiance on a coldwinter day, but its warmth is usually more show than substance.because hot air rises, most of the heat produced by the fireescapes through the chimney. fireplace live wallpaper. not onlythat, the hot air creates an updraft that sucks warm out out of theroom. while you can minimize heat loss by adjusting the damper andcreate more heat by burning the right kind of wood, the best way toturn your fireplace into an efficient room heater is to install afireplace insert.burn seasoned firewood. freshly cut or green wood burnsinefficiently and produces large amounts of smoke. seasoned woodhas had an entire year, or season, to dry. open the damper as wideas possible to increase the amount of air to the fire. fireplacelive wallpaper. this will improve combustion and increase theamount of heat the fire produces, but it will make the wood burnfaster. the damper handle is usually just above the fireplaceopening, and you slide it to the right to open it. clean yourchimney once a year. fireplace live wallpaper. creosote builds upinside and restricts air flow. it can also be a fire hazard. if youwant to save the cost of hiring a chimney sweeper, climb on theroof with a chimney brush, insert it into the chimney and brushwith an up-down motion. be sure to cover the fireplace opening inthe house with plastic sheeting before you clean the chimney.replace the screen in front of the fireplace with tempered glassdoors, and keep the doors closed while a fire is burning. this willincrease the temperature of the chimney and reduce the amount ofwarm air that the fire sucks from the room. to work properly, thedoors should fit tightly enough against the fireplace opening foryou to be able to seal the edges with a fiberglass gasket.fireplace live wallpaper. install a fireplace insert. to get onethat fits, measure the length and width of your fireplace with atape measure. for maximum efficiency, install a double-wall unitwith a built-in circulating fan. the warm air circulates betweenthe two walls and the fan blows the warmth into the room. you maynot need a fan if you are heating a small room.feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
baby kittens wallpapers 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of baby kittens wallpapersset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads baby kittens wallpapers from our store page. we have thebest collection of baby kittens wallpapers. you can also downloadother live wallpaper in case you don’t find this lwp suitable foryou, we had a vast lwp collection.kittens play aggressively because that's what comes naturally tothem. many people get a kitten believing that they are sweet cuddlylittle pets but be aware they have their moments. kittens can beall teeth and claws! you have to remember that kittens have aninstinct to play rough. cute kittens wallpapers. it is part of anormal kitten's development to play aggressively because they arelearning the predatory skills that a cat in the wild would need toknow for survival. on a reassuring note, most kittens grow out ofthe aggressive stage and grow into adorable, sweet natured cats whowould never dream of biting or scratching you. kittens begin playbehavior at an early age. it begins with lots of rough and tumbleplay with their siblings and also with their mother. a young kittenwill pounce, chase, stalk, wrestle, bite and scratch its siblingsand mother. this is generally regarded as 'mock' aggression. thekitten is not intending to hurt anyone, it is just intent on havinga good time. this is all normal behavior for a kitten.kittens become socialised within their litter and learn to inhibitover-aggressive behavior. cute kittens wallpapers. if a kitten getstoo aggressive with its sibling the sibling will usually correctthe aggression either by a growl, retaliation or it will simplystop playing because it is hurt. all the offender wants to do isplay so he learns that being over-aggressive may stop play. thekitten's mother also warns him if he becomes too aggressive, oftenwith a growl or a swat. kittens continually give each other signalsto indicate that the interaction is meant as play and not asaggression. cute kittens wallpapers. from these interactions withit's mother and siblings a kitten learns subconsciously how tocontrol its aggressive behavior.biting and scratching usually occurs as a result of the owner’sactions. cute kittens wallpapers. some owners find it nearlyimpossible to resist wrestling with a tiny, playful kitten, theywill wrestle the kitten with their hand letting the kitten bite andscratch them. this might be cute when the kitten is little but asit grows and the kitten's strength increases it can become verypainful and the kitten will often draw blood.feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
meerkat live wallpaper 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of meerkat live wallpaperset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads meerkat live wallpaper from our store page. we have thebest collection of meerkat live wallpaper. you can also downloadother live wallpaper in case you don’t find this lwp suitable foryou, we had a vast lwp collection.s. suricatta is a small herpestid with males averaging 731 gramsand females 720 grams. the body and legs of these animals are longand slender, with head and body length between 250 and 350 mm. thetail is thin and tapering to a point, and adds 175-250 mm to thetotal length of the animal. it is not bushy like many mongoosespecies. the face is also tapered, coming to a point at the noseand rounded at the forehead. meerkat wallpapers. the ears are smalland crescent-shaped. the color of the coat varies geographically.in the southern portion of their range, pelage color is darker,with lighter pelage coloration in the more arid regions, followinggloger's rule. generally, the color of the coat is peppered gray,tan, or brown with a silver tint.the nose is brown. the ventral parts of the body are only sparselycovered with hair. the fore claws are enlarged for digging and thetail is yellowish tan in color with a distinctive black tip. inaddition, there are distinctive dark patches around the eyes.meerkat wallpapers. dark horizontal bands run across the dorsalparts of the body except the head and tail. meerkats are highlysocial and live in packs consisting of up to 3 familial groups.there can be up to 30 individuals in a pack. each individual familygroup includes a breeding pair and their offspring. within packs,animals are usually friendly, but among packs, serious fights canerupt.meerkats exhibit sentinel behavior where one member of the groupposes as a look out, watching for predators and other danger. thesentinel sounds alarm by giving a distinct bark. if a parent soundsalarm, its offspring run to and huddle around their mother. meerkatwallpapers. sentinel rotation occurs throughout the day amongdifferent members of the pack and is announced vocally. sentinelbehavior is especially notable when the group is foraging away fromthe burrow. during foraging, prey are located by smell. olderindividuals often share food with juveniles. adult male meerkatstypically emigrate from the pack in which they were born andattempt to join or take over another pack. females are usuallyphilopatric. meerkat wallpapers. nonbreeding members of the packoften act as babysitters for nursing females.feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
maltese wallpaper hd 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of maltese wallpaper hdset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads maltese wallpaper hd from our store page. we have thebest collection of maltese wallpaper hd. you can also downloadother live wallpaper in case you don’t find this lwp suitable foryou, we had a vast lwp collection.one of the brightest and gentlest of the toys, the maltese isexceedingly playful and enjoys clever games of dexterity such aspull the hidden toy from under the cabinet with your paw. thiscurious, quick-moving sprite doesn't need much outdoor exercise,funny puppy pictures, but he does enjoy dashing around the(fenced!) yard and accompanying you for walks. funny puppypictures. larger dogs may view him as a delicacy, so a maltese mustalways be leashed or fenced for his own protection. fences shouldbe triple-checked for slight gaps through which he mightwriggle.maltese are generally peaceful with the world, though some lines(and individuals) are more confident and outgoing, and some aremore standoffish or cautious. training and socialization also playkey roles in how a maltese turns out. funny puppy pictures. if youtreat him like a helpless baby or spoil/indulge him, he is likelyto end up overdependent, insecure, or bratty and yappy. you shouldrequire him to show the same good manners as you would expect froma larger dog, and this is easily accomplished because malteserespond very well to respect training. very sensitive andresponsive to nonforceful training, many maltese excel incompetitive obedience and agility. however, they are notoriouslydifficult to housebreak consider an indoor litterbox, or a doggydoor leading outside to a small covered potty yard. excessivebarking may also need to be controlled.grooming. without frequent brushing and combing, maltese become amatted mess, so i recommend that pet owners keep their dog's coatsheared short. then it's always neat, clean, comfortable for thedog, easy to brush and bathe and it makes your maltese look like anadorable puppy throughout his life! barking. maltese are often tooquick to sound the alarm at every new sight and sound. funny puppypictures. you must teach them not to bark excessively and to stopbarking immediately when you tell them to. but this only works ifyou establish the right relationship between you and your maltese,where you are the leader and he is the follower.feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
smiles wallpaper 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of smiles wallpaperset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads smiles wallpaper from our store page. we have the bestcollection of smiles wallpaper. you can also download other livewallpaper in case you don’t find this lwp suitable for you, we hada vast lwp collection.one smile can make all the difference in the world. one smile hasthe power to release stress, calm you down, make you attractive,make someone else happy and believe it or not, smiling can actuallycause happiness. this is why “smile at life” has become my personalmotto. smile background. stress is hazardos to your health! whenyou let your stress levels continually in cress without doinganything to prevent it, you will eventually breakdown. and when youdo eventually breakdown, it will take you a long time to putyourself back together again. smile background. however, a smile isthe cheapest and fastest cure. when you feel stressed, just take aminute or two to breathe in and out and smile. there is alwayssomething to smile about in life. always!“a smile is the prettiest thing you can wear” unknown. this isabsolutely true. whether you are female or male, a smile is all youneed to complete your beauty! i have always said: “there is nothingmore attractive than a man with a smile!” (in my case). besides,smiling also shows people that you are a positive person and easyto get along with. smiling is contagious. smile background. we allhave our own battles to fight. each one of us! and sometimes all aperson needs a smile to reassure them that everything will be okay(because it will be). maybe one smile can reassure that girl whosits beside in class, that someone sees her. smile background. thatsomeone actually cares. maybe one smile to a stranger you walk byin town today, is all it will take to turn that rainy cloud hangingover him into a bright shining sun. according to the researchpapers i have read about smiling, scientist actually have proffthat smiling can cause happiness. it is only natural that we smilewhen we are happy and frown when we are sad/mad. what if we triedto smile a lot more often? what would happen then?feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
papillon wallpaper 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of papillon wallpaperset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads papillon wallpaper from our store page. we have the bestcollection of papillon wallpaper. you can also download other livewallpaper in case you don’t find this lwp suitable for you, we hada vast lwp collection.the papillon, whose name comes from the french word for butterfly,is a portrait come to life, the modern representation of the smallspaniels often seen in paintings from centuries past. the dwarfspaniel, as he was once known, has changed somewhat in appearanceover the years, but he's still the same wonderful companion whograced the laps of ladies and kings so many years ago. cute dogpictures. the word papillon, meaning "butterfly," refers to thebreed's fringed upright ears, which resemble a butterfly'soutspread wings. the breed also comes in a drop-eared varietycalled the phalene, which means moth a cousin of the butterfly thatfolds its wings at rest. both varieties can be born in the samelitter, although the papillon is the more popular and recognizedvariety.while he might be categorized by size as a lap dog, the bright,busy, and curious papillon is no shrinking butterfly. if you want adog to sit on your lap while you watch television, he's probablynot the best choice. cute dog pictures. he's more likely to beflitting around looking for something to do and will happily ridyour home and yard of any small rodents that might be lurkingthere. and this small dog in a sturdy package takes seriously hisduties as family companion and guardian. he has a big-dog attitudeand a level of alertness that makes him a super watchdog, but whenit comes to protecting you it's important to make sure he doesn'tbite off more than he can chew. he has no idea that he weighs only4 to 9 pounds.the papillon is outgoing and energetic. cute dog pictures. he lovesto be with people and is a happy dog who gives kisses freely toall. the papillon's small size makes him easy to handle, and hiscoat, while profuse, is easy to care for and doesn't shedexcessively. his energy level ranges from moderate to intense, andbeing highly trainable he's a great choice if you want toparticipate in dog sports such as agility or rally. cute dogpictures. papillons are also excellent competitors in the obediencering and are the number-one toy breed in obediencecompetition.feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
love heart live wallpaper 6.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of love heart live wallpaper set the app as livewallpaper to decorate your phone downloads love heart livewallpaper from our store page. we have the best collection of loveheart live wallpaper. you can also download other live wallpaper incase you don’t find this lwp suitable for you, we had a vast lwpcollection. the history of the heart symbol, on valentine’s day,men and women around the world celebrate those closest to them withextravagant acts of love.cards, chocolates, and other gifts are exchanged, all of thembedazzled with or designed in the form of traditional hearts. lovebackgrounds. but how did this shape, ostensibly modeled after theinternal organ, emerge as the universal symbol for the emotion oflove? although the heart symbol can be traced back manygenerations, nobody is really sure how it took on its currentmeaning. love backgrounds. a leading theory contends that duringthe seventh century b.c., the silphium plant was used as a form ofbirth control in the city-state of cyrene. legend has it that theplant was so important to the local economy that “coins were mintedthat depicted the plant’s seedpod, which looks like the heart shapewe know today,” according to slate. the silphium plant isn’t theonly element of nature that resembles the heart shape.from flowers to fruit to birds, when positioned correctly, nature’smultitude of living beings showcase the commonality of the shape ifyou look for it. love backgrounds. others argue that the shapestemmed from the shape of leaves. leaves appear in many paintingsdating back to the middle ages that illustrate a romantic lovebetween men and women and the spiritual love between mankind andgod. during the same period, medical professionals were makinggreat discoveries and advances in understanding the function of thehuman heart and diagramming a sketch of the organ. lovebackgrounds. even after scientists proved that the human heartdidn’t exactly line up with people’s conception of it, the people“still preferred to associate the pounding muscle beneath theirribs with the emotion that made it sprint, or stagger,” reportedlapham’s quarterly.
live wallpaper hummingbird 5.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of live wallpaper hummingbird set the app as livewallpaper to decorate your phone downloads live wallpaperhummingbird from our store page. we have the best collection oflive wallpaper hummingbird. you can also download other livewallpaper in case you don’t find this lwp suitable for you, we hada vast lwp collection. birds are fascinating creatures, but thereare many facts about hummingbirds that make them astonishing toeven experienced birders. bird background.from physiological facts to lifestyle facts to distribution facts,bird background, hummingbirds are some of the most interesting ofthe nearly 10,000 bird species in the world. there are more than325 hummingbird species in the world. only 8 species regularlybreed in the united states, though up to two dozen species mayvisit the country. a hummingbird’s brilliant throat color is notcaused by feather pigmentation, but rather by iridescence in thearrangement of the feathers and the influence of light level,moisture and other factors. hummingbirds cannot walk or hop, thoughtheir feet can be used to scoot sideways while they are perched.the calliope hummingbird is the smallest bird species in northamerica and measures just 3 inches long. bird background. the beehummingbird is the smallest species and measures 2.25 incheslong.hummingbirds have 1,000-1,500 feathers, the fewest number offeathers of any bird species in the world. the averageruby-throated hummingbird weighs 3 grams. in comparison, a nickelweighs 4.5 grams. from 25-30 percent of a hummingbird’s weight isin its pectoral muscles, the muscles principally responsible forflight. bird background. their diet consists of nectar fromflowers, small insects such as aphids and spiders, and sometimeseven pollen and sap. hummingbirds feed in many small meals,consuming small invertebrates and up to twelve times their own bodyweight in nectar each day. many plant species rely on hummingbirdsfor pollination and provide nectar and tiny insects in exchange.hummingbirds staunchly and aggressively defend a feeding area, orfeeder, even when not feeding.
athletes wallpaper 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of athletes wallpaperset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads athletes wallpaper from our store page. we have the bestcollection of athletes wallpaper. you can also download other livewallpaper in case you don’t find this lwp suitable for you, we hada vast lwp collection.feet aren't the prettiest, or the sweetest-smelling parts of thehuman anatomy. suffocated inside shoes and socks all day, feetbecome sweaty, stinky, and the perfect vehicles for all sorts oftiny germs. some of those germs lie in wait on the floors of lockerrooms and pool changing areas. pro athlete wallpapers. when theyinvade susceptible feet, they can cause a red, itchy conditioncalled athlete's foot. pro athlete wallpapers. if you thinkathlete's foot is only for athletes, or that it just afflicts men,read on to learn why these and other ideas about athlete's foot arejust myths.only athletes can get athlete's foot you could argue that athlete'sfoot is one small payback for pro athletes' seven-figure salariesand luxury lifestyles. only, you don't need to be a professionalathlete or even an athlete at all to get this foot infection. proathlete wallpapers. athlete's foot got its name because the fungusthat causes it likes to hang out in places athletes frequent, likeshowers and locker rooms. yet anyone who's exposed to that funguscan get infected including women.athlete's foot isn't the same as jock itch, actually, athlete'sfoot and jock itch are caused by the same fungus (called tinea),which leaves scaly patches on the skin. the conditions are named bythe part of the body where they occur. on the feet, tinea infectionis called athlete's foot. in the groin area, it's called jock itch.pro athlete wallpapers. showering regularly can prevent athlete'sfoot showering is actually one of the ways you can get athlete'sfoot. step into a locker room or pool shower with bare feet and youcan pick up the condition. showering alone won't clear up thefungus that causes athlete's foot no matter how carefully you washbetween your toes. but keeping your feet clean and dry can helpprevent this fungus from returning.feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
wallpaper planet 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of wallpaper planetset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads wallpaper planet from our store page. we have the bestcollection of wallpaper planet. you can also download other livewallpaper in case you don’t find this lwp suitable for you, we hada vast lwp collection.why are the planets orbits an oval shape and not circular ? it hasto do with the fact that the gravity acts as a central force. starsand planets wallpaper. the reason this is important to note, isthat in central force fields, angular momentum is conserved and themotion of a body in a central field is then constricted to move intwo-dimensions, on a plane. that allows us to use polar coordinatesto completely describe its motion. stars and planets wallpaper.using energy and angular momentum conservation we can do a littlebit of calculus and differential equations to get explicit formulasfor how the radius and polar angle of the planets trajectory changein time. the curves formed by these trajectories is a conicsection. this procedure can (in principle) be done for anypotential that acts like (a / rn ).an interesting anecdote: when the motion of uranus was first beingtracked using these equations of motion, some irregularities wereobserved in its orbit. a new theoretical planet was proposed toaccount for these perturbations. stars and planets wallpaper. thatprediction is what started the search and discovery of neptune.because of the dynamics of orbits, and because of the manyinfluences on the orbits of planets, circular orbits are rare.also, elliptical orbits don't tend to circularize over time, forthe reason that a circular orbit is not a lower-energy solutionthan an elliptical one. a circular orbit is just an ellipticalorbit with an eccentricity of zero. over time, a planet's circularorbit would likely become elliptical through the influence of otherplanets. stars and planets wallpaper. an elliptical orbit is aconstant-energy solution. a typical elliptical orbit's kinetic andpotential gravitational energy always sum to a constant during allphases of the orbit. as a result, there's no tendency tocircularize an elliptical orbit.feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
magic nature live wallpaper 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of magic nature live wallpaperset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads magic nature live wallpaper from our store page. we havethe best collection of magic nature live wallpaper. you can alsodownload other live wallpaper in case you don’t find this lwpsuitable for you, we had a vast lwp collection.there is no question that earth has been a giving planet.everything humans have needed to survive, and thrive, was providedby the natural world around us: food, water, medicine, materialsfor shelter, and even natural cycles such as climate and nutrients.nature forest wallpaper. scientists have come to term such gifts‘ecosystem services’, however the recognition of such services goesback thousands of years, and perhaps even farther if one acceptsthe caves paintings at lascaux as evidence. yet we have sodisconnected ourselves from the natural world that it is easy andoften convenient to forget that nature remains as giving as ever,even as it vanishes bit-by-bit.the rise of technology and industry may have distanced ussuperficially from nature, but it has not changed our reliance onthe natural world: most of what we use and consume on a daily basisremains the product of multitudes of interactions within nature,and many of those interactions are imperiled. beyond such physicalgoods, the natural world provides less tangible, but just asimportant, gifts in terms of beauty, art, and spirituality. natureforest wallpaper. earth day seems as good a day as any to remindourselves what nature gives us free-of-charge. here then is aselective sampling of nature’s importance to our lives:fresh water, there is no physical substance humans require morethan freshwater, without water we can only survive a few hellishdays. while pollution and overuse has threatened many of theworld’s drinking water sources, nature has an old-fashionedsolution, at least, to pollution. healthy freshwaterecosystems—watersheds, wetlands, and forests—naturally cleanpollution and toxins from water. nature forest wallpaper. soils,microorganisms, and plant roots all play a role in filtering andrecycling out pollutants with a price far cheaper than building awater filtration plant. according to research, the more biodiversethe ecosystem, the faster and more efficiently water is purified.soil health: the ground under our feet matters more than we oftenadmit. nature forest wallpaper. healthy fertile soil providesoptimal homes for plants, while participating in a number ofnatural cycles: from recycling nutrients to purifying waterfeature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
dark city scene live wallpaper 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of dark city scene live wallpaperset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads dark city scene live wallpaper from our store page. wehave the best collection of dark city scene live wallpaper. you canalso download other live wallpaper in case you don’t find this lwpsuitable for you, we had a vast lwp collection.this app feature a animated back alley dark city with a street lampthat glowing and a windows lamp that shed the night.feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
night sky wallpaper 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of night sky wallpaperset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads night sky wallpaper from our store page. we have the bestcollection of night sky wallpaper. you can also download other livewallpaper in case you don’t find this lwp suitable for you, we hada vast lwp collection.if there‘s all those stars, why is it dark at night? one hundredbillion galaxies, all full of millions of stars, seems like a lotbut it isn’t nearly enough to make the night sky as bright as day.if there were an infinite number of stars and the universe wasinfinitely old, there would be a star everywhere you looked in thenight sky and it would be very bright indeed. but the universeisn’t infinitely old. night sky background. it was createdapproximately 14 billion years ago and since the speed of light isconstant, we can only see objects that are less than 14 billionlight years away. this means that we are living within a sphericalobservable universe which is smaller that the total universe andthat the light from stars further away from us than 14 billionlight years will not have had enough time to reach the earth.in addition, the universe is expanding and all the galaxies, andtheir stars, are moving away from us. night sky background. thanksto this, the light from a moving star changes colour in a similarway that sound from a moving ambulance siren changes pitch. thelight that we observe from distant receding stars is more red thanit would be if they were stationary – the light is red shifted. inmany cases the red shift is large enough to move the light out ofthe visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum.when distances increase, though, so does the time delay. night skybackground. for instance, astronauts on the moon experience a1.5-second time delay in their communications with mission controldue to the time it takes the radio signals (which are a form oflight) to travel round-trip between earth and the moon. mostastronomers agree that the universe is between 10 and 15 billionyears old. night sky background. and that means that the maximumdistance from which we can receive light is between 10 and 15billion light-years away. so even if there are more distantgalaxies, their light will not yet have had time to reach us.feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
live flower wallpaper 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of live flower wallpaperset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads live flower wallpaper from our store page. we have thebest collection of live flower wallpaper. you can also downloadother live wallpaper in case you don’t find this lwp suitable foryou, we had a vast lwp collection.flower petals breaking through the snow, an early hint of spring'sarrival, hides a very complex genetic process behind its floralfaçade. picture of flowers. flowers know when to bloom because of agene named apetala1. a lone master gene, apetala1 triggers thereproductive development of a plant, telling it when it's time tostart blossoming. yes, a single gene is all it takes to make aplant start producing flowers. a plant blooming with flowers has anactive apetala1, while a plant carrying inactive apetala1 genes hasvery few flowers, if any, with leafy shoots growing in place ofblossoms.plants blossom at different times because several factors,including the weather, temperature and the amount of sunlight theplant receives, picture of flowers, all of which influence itsreproductive development. information about these conditions isrelayed to apetala1, which activates when it senses that the timingis right to commence flowering. global climate changes are having adramatic impact on flowering times, picture of flowers, withbritain currently experiencing the earliest flowering date in thelast 250 years, according to data collected by nature’s calendar, anational survey coordinated by the woodland trust in partnershipwith the centre for ecology & hydrology (ceh).feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
hindu god wallpapers 5.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of hindu god wallpapers set the app as live wallpaperto decorate your phone downloads hindu god wallpapers from ourstore page. we have the best collection of hindu god wallpapers.you can also download other live wallpaper in case you don’t findthis lwp suitable for you, we had a vast lwp collection.hanuman, the hindu monkey god, is one of the most celebrated andworshipped figures in indian religion, but mention him outside ofindia and you are likely to be met with a blank stare. so who ishanuman and what does he represent to the hindu faith? as is thecase for many of mother india's gods, several stories are toldexplaining hanuman's birth. in one interpretation shiva and parvatidecide to transform themselves into monkeys and indulge in amorousgames in the forest. as a result parvati becomes pregnant. hanumanwallpapers. shiva, conscious of his godly responsibilities anddesiring to conform to the laws of nature, directs the wind godvayu to carry the offspring from parvati's womb to that of anjanaan apsara with the form of a monkey who has prayed to be granted aboy child.in another version of the story hanuman is simply the offspring ofanjana and vayu. hanuman wallpapers. in yet another version of thestory, he is the son of the king and queen of the monkeys. manystories are also told of hanuman's childhood. as the son of shivaand a young monkey to boot, hanuman is variously described asspirited, restless, energetic and inquisitive. hanuman wallpapers.one point they all agree on is his mischievous nature. hanumanoften abused his powers to pester the saints and holy men living inthe nearby forest, with tricks such as beard pulling and thedousing of sacred fires. however, it is as an adult that the monkeygod hanuman comes into his own. hanuman's tale as told in the epicramayana is renowned for its ability to inspire its readers to faceordeals and conquer obstructions in their own lives. at the time ofthe ramayana, hanuman wallpapers is sent as an advance spy tolanka, the capital of the mighty demon ravana's empire. because ofhis bravery, perseverance, strength and devoted service, hanuman isregarded as a perfect symbol of selflessness and loyalty. worshipof hanuman helps the individual to counter the bad karma borne outof selfish action, and grants the believer fortitude and strengthin his or her own trials during the journey of life. hanuman isalso invoked in fights against sorcery and protective amuletsdepicting him are extremely popular among his devotees.
yoga pants wallpaper 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of yoga pants wallpaperset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads yoga pants wallpaper from our store page. we have thebest collection of yoga pants wallpaper. you can also downloadother live wallpaper in case you don’t find this lwp suitable foryou, we had a vast lwp collection.yoga pants are a popular choice of casual dress. you can choosefrom a variety of styles, cuts, and patterns all based on where youwant to wear them. deciding exactly which pair to purchase can be achore if you are unfamiliar with yoga pants. it is a good idea toknow your purpose in wearing them before choosing a pair. once youknow where you will be wearing them, then you will be able toproperly evaluate your selection and find the perfect pair of yogapants. determine the general style you prefer. yoga pants come in avariety of general styles. within those styles, you can findvariations. capris pants, for example, generally have a shorterleg. drawstring typically use a string, rather than elastic, tosecure the waist. pick a general style to start with and beginevaluating the aspects you like and dislike.decide on the length you want. length is a matter of both comfortand function. yoga pants generally come in two lengths, full lengthor capris. capris pants end at your calf muscle. full-length stopat your ankle. full-length pants that are tight may bunch at theankle if only a little too long. capris pants typically do notbunch but may be too tight on your thigh if not stretchy enough.choose your type of stretch. yoga pants are popular for use duringyoga and other activities because of their comfort. this comfort iscreated when the fabric used incorporates stretchy threads orknits. most fabrics have a natural 2-way stretch. pants with a4-way stretch will be more comfortable. however, if you preferbaggy or loose fitting yoga pants, a 2-ways stretch may work justfine.the more you wear your yoga pants, the more comfortable you'll feelin them. so if you start out self-conscious, don't just ditch them,because chances are they'll grow on you after a couple of weeks.avoid wearing yoga pants to important or formal events. they'refine for weekends at home and the occasional lazy school day, butif you're going to a wedding, a business meeting, or even a firstdate you should leave the yoga pants at home.feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
love wallpapers 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of love wallpapersset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads love wallpapers from our store page. we have the bestcollection of love wallpapers. you can also download other livewallpaper in case you don’t find this lwp suitable for you, we hada vast lwp collection.the heart shape is recognized the world over as a symbol ofromantic love and affection, but its historical origins aredifficult to pin down. some believe the iconic pictogram is derivedfrom the shape of ivy leaves, which are associated with fidelity,cute hearts wallpaper, while others contend it was modeled afterbreasts, buttocks or other parts of the human anatomy. perhaps themost unusual theory concerns silphium, a species of giant fennelthat once grew on the north african coastline near the greek colonyof cyrene. the ancient greeks and romans used silphium as both afood flavoring and a medicine—it supposedly worked wonders as acough syrup—but it was most famous as an early form of birthcontrol.ancient writers and poets hailed the plant for its contraceptivepowers, and it became so popular that it was cultivated intoextinction by the first century a.d. cute hearts wallpaper.silphium’s seedpod bore a striking resemblance to the modernvalentine’s heart, leading many to speculate that the herb’sassociations with love may have been what first helped popularizethe symbol. the ancient city of cyrene, which grew rich from thesilphium trade, even put the heart shape on its money.while the silphium theory is certainly compelling, the true originsof the heart shape may be more straightforward. scholars such aspierre vinken and martin kemp have argued that the symbol has itsroots in the writings of galen and the philosopher aristotle, whodescribed the human heart as having three chambers with a smalldent in the middle. cute hearts wallpaper. according to thistheory, the heart shape may have been born when artists andscientists from the middle ages attempted to draw representationsof ancient medical texts. in the 14th century, for example, theitalian physicist guido da vigevano made a series of anatomicaldrawings featuring a heart that closely resembles the one describedby aristotle.since the human heart has long been associated with emotion andpleasure, the shape was eventually co-opted as a symbol of romanceand medieval courtly love. it grew especially popular during therenaissance, cute hearts wallpaper, when it was used in religiousart depicting the sacred heart of christ and as one of the foursuits in playing cards. by the 18th and 19th centuries, meanwhile,it had become a recurring motif in love notes and valentine’s daycards.feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
vegas wallpapers 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of vegas wallpapersset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads vegas wallpapers from our store page. we have the bestcollection of vegas wallpapers. you can also download other livewallpaper in case you don’t find this lwp suitable for you, we hada vast lwp collection.no matter if you are the type that likes to gamble, enjoyspartying, or if you just like to sight-see and learn about newparts of the country, las vegas is an opportunity that is not to bemissed. free las vegas wallpaper. there’s so much to see and dothat it makes the perfect trip for a weekend or even a whole week.experience the combination of natural and man-made wonders withsome of these examples of things that you won’t find anywhere elseby las vegas, nevada. vegas is the perfect hub of modern comfortsto plot your next adventures to visit the infamous naturallandmarks in america. free las vegas wallpaper. you can get to thered rock canyon, death valley, and the grand canyon within a shortdriving distance. there are plenty more lesser-known areas, nativereservations, and parks where you can experience the beautifulblend of history and mother nature together.learn more at museums and galleries overshadowed by the glitz andglamor are a wide variety of museums and art galleries that moredistinguished gentlemen can retreat to after a night of sin; tobalance out the yin and yang, as some would say, if you don’tgamble away your vacation budget, you can spend all your time invegas and watch all the world-renowned entertainment acts along thestrip, everything from penn and teller’s magic, vegas showgirls,and the high-flying acts of cirque du soleil. free las vegaswallpaper. these shows will sell out very fast, so look for thesetickets in-advancedyour stay in vegas can often be just as impressive as the lightsand festivities within it. las vegas hotels are like no other, withall the major chains modeling their hotel after some famouslandmark or object. free las vegas wallpaper. it’s like an adultliving out a childhood fantasy, with the rooms being posh andextravagant as you would expect, with the price for admission beingas much as the cost as half of a mortgage payment. there are cheaphotels too that will provide you with the same charm as the bigguys, only with less amenities. foodies around the globe know whereto find some of the best hidden gems in america. they’re hidingright under the lights and behind the slot machines in las vegas.you have everything from foot-long hotdogs, high-class restaurantsthat serve the best seafood, to popular diners and dives that serveauthentic america cuisine staples like homemade burgers and shakesfrom scratch.feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
dog licking live wallpaper 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of dog licking live wallpaperset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads dog licking live wallpaper from our store page. we havethe best collection of dog licking live wallpaper. you can alsodownload other live wallpaper in case you don’t find this lwpsuitable for you, we had a vast lwp collection.you know you are the lucky owner of a professional licker when yourdog can lick 100 items a minute and you have considerably lesshouse cleaning to do. jokes aside, constantly licking everything inthe house may be more than just an annoying habit and is worthinvestigating. if scruffy is suddenly interested in licking yourcarpet, your coach and your upholstery, perhaps he is feeling a bitqueasy. wallpaper dog lick. nausea may trigger a bout of excessivelicking of surfaces, explains board certified veterinarybehaviorist valarie v. tynes on the website dvm 360. in such acase, you may want to report to your veterinarian for a thoroughphysical examination. while you are it, discuss your dog's diet andany supplements he is receiving.if your dog is a repeat offender and has to consistently lickeverything around your house, you may be dealing with a compulsivelicker. wallpaper dog lick. in this case, don't worry; your dogwill not end up on the psychiatrist bed. this form of licking isoften caused by fear, stress or inadequate stimulation. in mildcases, dogs often get better with adequate exercise, attention andmental stimulation. spraying commonly licked items with bitterapple spray may also help reduce the licking episodes.yes, your fur ball may be licking nonstop simply because he hascome to realize that it brings attention. if every time your doglicks, you immediately stop doing what you are doing, look at himand even resort to scolding, your dog may find the behaviorrewarding. wallpaper dog lick. a good way to test this is byrecording his behavior when he is left home alone. if the behavioris reduced or is non-existent in such circumstances, most likelythe licking is part of an attention-seeking disorder. your dog'slicking problem may be simply an appetitive behavior. if you leavetraces of crumbs on the kitchen floor and chairs, your caninecompanion may be simply trying to clean up after you. wallpaper doglick. a more thorough cleaning of all surfaces will help reduce thelicking problem. if this is too much to ask, close off the kitchenarea so rover won't feel compelled to engage in his addicting housecleaning chores.feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
purple flower wallpapers 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of purple flower wallpapersset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads purple flower wallpapers from our store page. we have thebest collection of purple flower wallpapers. you can also downloadother live wallpaper in case you don’t find this lwp suitable foryou, we had a vast lwp collection.while basic dyes and pigments existed thousands of years ago fordecorating with, purple was a relatively rare color until the latemedieval period. this meant that flowers featuring that richcombination of red and blue were prized and given plenty ofsignificance, no matter the culture. flowers wallpaper. if you’replanning to use purple as a wedding color or want to make theperfect arrangement as a gift, look further into the symbolism ofthese eight popular flowers in your favorite color.the lotus flower has been a potent religious symbol in easterncultures for centuries. while other colors represent the buddhahimself or important tenets of that faith, the purple variety istied to mysticism and inner journeys. flowers wallpaper. it’s theperfect flower for encouraging someone’s creativity. of course,it’s still tied to the eight fold path to enlightenment because ofits eight petals. there are dozens of true and false lilies withpurple petals, but they all share some basic meanings. lilies werea symbol of royalty, as seen with the lily-inspired fleur de lissymbol. purple was also a color restricted only to the royalfamilies for many centuries due to the rarity of the dye. flowerswallpaper. put the two meanings together and the lily is theperfect symbol of grace, royal bearing, and dignity.there are lightly lavender and mostly pink roses in nature, but thedeep purple bloom only comes from the use of dye. these coloredroses are used for celebrating the 25 year wedding anniversary of acouple. flowers wallpaper. lighter and more natural varieties ofthe purple rose symbolize calmness, achievement, and living yourdream. you can sniff a lavender scented candle to calm yourself, soit’s no wonder that victorian language of flowers expertsconsidered this plant a symbol of calmness and dignity. the lightpurple blossoms are perfect for inspiring serenity, whether you’regiving the gift of a fresh bundle of sprigs or dried buds for usingin tea and baked goods.feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
frankenstein wallpapers 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of frankenstein wallpapersset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads frankenstein wallpapers from our store page. we have thebest collection of frankenstein wallpapers. you can also downloadother live wallpaper in case you don’t find this lwp suitable foryou, we had a vast lwp collection.burg frankenstein (frankenstein castle) is a little ruined remain,about 30km south of frankfurt, germany. it's an easy afternoon'strip from germany's second city if you've got your own transport.frankenstein castle certainly isn't the biggest or most interestingcastle in germany, but it's possible that mary shelley found theinspiration for her gothic novel, frankenstein, from these ruins.whether this is true or not, scary monster wallpaper, the castlewas certainly home to an eccentric scientist, konrad dippel -responsible for hair-raising experiments with animals and humanbody-parts.frankenstein castle is a fairly subdued and peaceable spot foraround 364 days of the year, but it comes to life (or should thatbe, resurrects itself from the dead?!) once a year, for a huge andfrankly terrifying halloween festival, every october 31st. the word'frankenstein', rather prosaically, means 'the stone of the franks'- the name of the family who laid claim to the land. scary monsterwallpaper. the castle was probably built a little before 1252 (theyear of the first historical record) and remained in thefrankenstein family for around 400 years give or take somesquabbles between two sides of the family.the terrifying creature finds frankenstein and demands he createsit a female mate or it will be doomed to exist alone, cast off fromsociety. scary monster wallpaper. frankenstein is drawn to takeresponsibility for the life he's created, and the fates of bothfrankenstein and his horrifying creation become gruesomelyintertwined. john konrad dippel is, nowadays, thought of as thearchetypal mad-scientist, and as the inspiration behind maryshelley's frankenstein. dippel was born in august 1673 insidefrankenstein castle. scary monster wallpaper.feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
dominican flag wallpaper 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of dominican flag wallpaperset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads dominican flag wallpaper from our store page. we have thebest collection of dominican flag wallpaper. you can also downloadother live wallpaper in case you don’t find this lwp suitable foryou, we had a vast lwp collection.the flag of the dominican republic was designed by founding fatherjuan pablo duarte, and adopted in 1844. it is centered with a whitecross that extends to the edges and divides the flag into fourrectangles. national flag wallpaper. the color blue is for liberty,red for the blood of heroes, and white for salvation. a small coatof arms rests at the center of the flag. the flag of the dominicanrepublic features a central white cross. the rectangles to the topof the flag (from the hoist side) are blue and red while those tothe bottom are red and blue rectangles. national flag wallpaper. inthe center of the white cross is the national coat of arms. thecoat of arms consists of a red, white, and blue shield draped by aflag, a bible, and a cross; on the left side of the shield is anolive branch while the right side of the shield is bounded by apalm branch. above the shield is a blue ribbon which bears thewords, dios, patria, libertad meaning god, fatherland, liberty.there is also a ribbon under the shield in red color that reads,republica dominicana meaning dominican republic.the blue and red colors have been taken from the flag of haiti.national flag wallpaper. blue signifies the clear blue skies of theland denoting freedom and liberty; red stands for the blood shedand the noble patriotic spirit displayed by the countrymen in theirfight for independence; white is a color of peace and dignity. thewhite cross is symbolic of faith, honor, and pride. the flag wasdesigned by the leader of the trinitarians, juan pablo duarte.national flag wallpaper. initially, the dominican republic used thehaitian flag. the trinitarian leader modified the flag by imposinga white cross over the flag.feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
stars live wallpaper 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of stars live wallpaperset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads stars live wallpaper from our store page. we have thebest collection of stars live wallpaper. you can also downloadother live wallpaper in case you don’t find this lwp suitable foryou, we had a vast lwp collection.most stars are much like the sun giant balls of gas burningbillions of miles away. twinkling star wallpaper. these sphericalstars pump out a steady stream of light that crosses vast stretchesof space before it illuminates the night sky. down here on theground, though, stars appear not as unwavering and blazing spheresof plasma, but as gently twinkling stars. twinkling star wallpaper.why is our perception of stars so distorted? stars twinkle for afairly intuitive reason: the movement of the air in earth'satmosphere can momentarily dim a star's light. this is why, saysnasa, stars on the horizon seem most twinkly “because there is alot more atmosphere between you and a star near the horizon thanbetween you and a star higher in the sky.”but what about stars' characteristic pointy star shape? twinklingstar wallpaper, the science behind that is surprising and has lessto do with the stars or the earth or with space than it does withus. twinkling star wallpaper. stars are shaped like stars, sayshenry reich in the minute physics video above, because ofimperfections in the back of our eyeballs. most intriguingly, saysreich, this biological explanation means that every one of us seesstars slightly differently.feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
raindrops wallpaper 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of raindrops wallpaperset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads raindrops wallpaper from our store page. we have the bestcollection of raindrops wallpaper. you can also download other livewallpaper in case you don’t find this lwp suitable for you, we hada vast lwp collection.the shape of a raindrop, high in the atmosphere, water collects ondust and smoke particles in clouds. raindrops start to form in aroughly spherical structure due to the surface tension of water.this surface tension is the skin of a body of water that makes themolecules stick together. the cause is the weak hydrogen bonds thatoccur between water molecules. moving wallpaper rain. on smallerraindrops, the surface tension is stronger than in larger drops.the reason is the flow of air around the drop. as the raindropfalls, it loses that rounded shape. the raindrop becomes more likethe top half of a hamburger bun. flattened on the bottom and with acurved dome top, raindrops are anything but the classic tear shape.the reason is due to their speed falling through theatmosphere.air flow on the bottom of the water drop is greater than theairflow at the top. at the top, small air circulation disturbancescreate less air pressure. the surface tension at the top allows theraindrop to remain more spherical while the bottom gets moreflattened out. even as a raindrop is falling, it will often collidewith other raindrops and increase in size. moving wallpaper rain.once the size of a raindrop gets too large, it will eventuallybreak apart in the atmosphere back into smaller drops. this time,the surface tension loses and the large raindrop ceases to exist.instead it pulls apart when it grows to around 4 millimeters ormore.way up high in the atmosphere, dust and smoke particles suspendedin clouds create places where moisture can settle and form intodrops. the drops sitting up here are like little globes of water,nearly round and spherical. moving wallpaper rain. raindrops forminto this shape because of the surface tension of water, which issometimes described as a skin that makes the water molecules sticktogether. but the molecules don't form a skin. the water moleculesstick together because they are more attracted to bonding with eachother than they are to bonding with air. moving wallpaper rain. so,the water molecules in raindrops cling together, in their roundlittle community, until…feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen
cute penguin wallpapers 3.00
Dark cool wallpaper llc
this application is a live wallpaper orscreensaver of cute penguin wallpapersset the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phonedownloads cute penguin wallpapers from our store page. we have thebest collection of cute penguin wallpapers. you can also downloadother live wallpaper in case you don’t find this lwp suitable foryou, we had a vast lwp collection.it is no secret that for almost all of the species of penguins outthere, the numbers are less than they were just a few decades ago.there are many reasons for this including hunting them for oil,taking their eggs, destroying their natural environment, theweather, and a lack of food supply. free penguin wallpapers. all ofthese factors though have left many of them vulnerable and othersat risk for extinction.it is due to those facts that all of the species of penguins in theworld are protected. there are laws that prevent them from beinghunted and from their eggs being taken. however, we all know suchefforts still take place on a large scale. free penguin wallpapers.such acts of poaching and stealing can’t always been monitored. therisk of being caught for those that engage in it is also less thanthe benefits they can gain if they are successful in theirefforts.one of the strictest areas when it comes to the protection ofpenguins is in the antarctic. under the treaty initiated in 1959 itis illegal to harm a penguin in any way. this treaty was updated in1991 with the penalties for such violations being very severe innature. free penguin wallpapers. even those penguins in that areathat are used for observation and scientific data have to beapproved and reported.the endangered species act of 1973 has also helped to protect ourendangered free penguin wallpapers. however, it is also importantto understand that this law covers those penguins found in someparts og the world. there are other countries including the usathat have refugee locations in place. they are used to help educateabout the destruction of penguins. they are also used to offer thema safe environment for reproduction to occur. this is all done inthe hopes that we can see their numbers significantly improve inthe future.feature:select fps of the live wallpaperset animation speed of live wallpaperset live wallpaper size according to your phone screen